Bring all your sourcing data & collaboration under

one roof

ProQsmart helps you Centralize your procurement data, Create RFX, Manage Vendors, Compare Quotes, Track orders live!

Always be updated of your outsourced manufacturing

Bulk RFQs

Build complex RFQs in a few clicks, shared instantly with 100s of vendors. Revisions & updates are published automatically. Protect your Designs, Drawings & Files with NDA encryption. No more emails & scattered communication!

Quote Compare

Get your vendors and new vendors to bid for open requirements. Get all your bids in one place and make intelligent decisions with quote analytics & vendor capability comparison.



Bring your Design data, Team & Vendors in one place for better visibility. Choose pre-qualified vendors from the marketplace or invite your own. It takes less than a minute to import your existing vendors & teams!

Order Management

Upload your Purchase orders or create one within a few clicks. Start tracking them live right from order acceptance till delivery.

Streamline Payouts

Know when your payments are due and who needs to be paid. Get orders checked against Invoice, Delivery & GRN. Pay only when it is due and what is due. Plan your cash flow better.

Live orders updates

Get order updates & reports live from the vendors with an option to get a dedicated account manager. Be updated all the time & make decisions faster.

Collaborate across teams, Increase productivity by up to 40%

Platform for Custom Manufacturing

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